Happy Freebie Friday! This weeks freebie was created out of necessity. I wanted an easily accessible insert containing all of my weekly habits. This would avoid me having to flip to an entirely different section of my planner. I know, I know, First World Problems.
You can either stick this week's printable on the sidebar of your weekly spread or on to a bookmark/pagemarker like I have. This enables me to keep the tracker on my daily page and reminds me to complete the habit, as well as mark it off when finished. Absolutely love it.
If you would like to download this week's freebie, simply click on the image below.
NOTE: The link will take you to the updated tracker which DOES include Friday ;) Minor oversight! lol
Please let me know what you would like to see in the future. I truly do appreciate all of your feedback. As always, don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on any future freebies or awesome content.

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